Reflections On European Mythology and Polytheism


I have always liked and admired Varg Vikernes as a music composer, thinker, writer and clearly a bonafide (gold medal worthy) outsider on all possible levels. I myself resonate with these aspects and I feel at home with his offgrid way of living and self-sufficiency. However, I DO NOT share most his political and his “racial” and quite radical beliefs and "ideals" concering the so-called “European Man über alles”. This doesn’t mean that I am a supporter of his methods and what he (used) to preach online couple of years ago on his YouTube channel or elsewhere. That also doesn’t mean that I am completely against what he stands for on 100 % hundred percent and that’s the end of it. No, that would be quite silly, stupid and ignorant. On the contrary. I really like and enjoyed reading most of his books on Norse Mythology and the Runes (Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia) deciphering Norwegian folklore and the legends (along with his wife, which is also a very good writer and a thinker in my honest opinion). I really hesitated to even write this text or to put up these videos, because the “black hole censorship machinery” is still very much operational today and there can be no place for such philosophies and people (according to “their” standards and rules).
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