Every year during Christmas I watch this incredible short movie (along with the numerous Christmas Carol movie adaptations) made with such dedication, love, passion, authenticity and appreciation for the Discworld universe and Terry’s books, and it became like a personal standing tradition to me by now since Snowgum decided to release it for free for everyone to see it on their YouTube page. I thought I’d share this unique, humorous, memorable and beautiful project with the hopes that others might also like or enjoy it and maybe transported into lands beyond their imaginings and forget about the grinding grey experience of everyday struggle and hardship to survive. Enchantment is they key in here. These are lands filled with old decrepit and grumpy warriors (Cohen), nerdy and good-hearted trolls with cockney accents who just crave for some company and understanding, talking horses with incredibly cynical and one-dimensional world views, and magical wintery atmosphere all around the realm. What could possibly go wrong? This is what fantasy fiction is all about in the end. So sit down and watch it, spend half an hour of your life and you might want to do it ten or twenty times afterwards (and you might as well do it next year again). You won’t regret it! If you’re a Terry Pratchett fan like myself, then this is for all of us Discworld readers and nerds out there. Why in the name of Ankh-Morpork am I so elevated and jolly, and why do I speak so highly and promote their movie you might ask? It is because I was paid to do it? Nah, bollocks to that I say, and it’s the totally incorrect answer to that riddle. The reason is simple. It’s because every second of this movie is a work of love and passion, and it was made by a very small team in Australia with a very limited budget and crew and I think they deserve some credit and appreciation, and they also did an amazing job portraying Terry’s world and characters they way we know them. The only downside is that it was too short and I crave for more! We need more of that recipe and style of movies in the future and I raise my glass to that. (Hollywood directors and producers, please take out your notebooks and start taking serious notes).

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿป

โž™ Snowgum Films on YouTube

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